RCIA for Adults refers to conversion as a “spiritual journey.” Centered on fostering a deep relationship with Jesus and the Church he founded, this journey takes place through distinct stages over a period of time suitable to bring about a thorough catechesis, significant experience of the parish community, and commitment to the liturgical and moral life of the Catholic faithful.
Who is RCIA for?
How long is the RCIA process?
The process involves weekly meetings (classes) from September into the Easter Season (May). Classes cover topics like prayer, sacraments, Christian moral living, scripture, and many other important teachings of the Catholic Church. Classes meet every Wednesday at 6:30 PM. Participants are also encouraged to attend weekly Mass on Sunday with the community so that they can begin to grow and worship in the local community of believers. There is no cost and all materials are provided.
Must I make a commitment to Catholicism to participate in this program?
No, because we realize that many people are searching and need to know more about the Church before they make such a commitment. We also realize that Catholicism is not for everyone. The first several months of RCIA is an “Inquiry period”, whereby the participant becomes acquainted with the Catholic Church and hears the good news of salvation of Jesus Christ, our Savior. It's here that we answer questions, share our journeys of faith, build relationships, and proclaim our faith in Jesus Christ as the Way, the Truth and the Life.
What is the process?
RCIA is a gradual process by which an interested person becomes a member of the Catholic Church. RCIA marks the various steps on the way to full commitment within the Catholic Church in five specific periods.
What if you or someone you know is under the age of 18, may they participate?
Kindly contact our parish office at the number below and we’d be happy to discuss your particular circumstance.
Contact Information
If you are interested and would like to register or have questions, please contact the parish office at (610) 497-3340 or email [email protected].
We are excited to walk with you on this journey!